The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


I endeavoured to give a photostat copy of every event by furnishing the most authentic data preserved in the archives, but failed. The reason is not far to seek - confessed openly earlier that the governments have either neglected to register the events properly, or preserved the recorded ones with due care. Dereliction of duty, or wilful disregard guided by certain motives might have also contributed their mite to the non-availability of exact data of certain episodes. 

Or in some cases, the vested interests in essaying to glorify themselves, allowed distortion of the real picture of the happenings; why, some of them even hushed up the ghastly facts and presented painted pictures to suit their whims and fancies. Several factors worked up singly or jointly in this, and hence precision with regard to dates are not given, better say could not be under the aforesaid conditions.


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