we aware of the fact that non-violence is mightier than violence and
with that alone world's bloodthirsty dictators arc humbled and made
preachers of non-violence and peace. Forget not that immutable and
eternal message of Buddhism, the purest, angelic off spring of the
ever adorable Hinduism - Nonviolence alone, besides scoring triumph,
succeeds ultimately in establishing Dharma Rajya. Imbibing its true
spirit other religions like Christianity bequeathed that potent
weapon of turning the unbeaten cheek, when assault was made.
Implementing it, Pujya Bapuji wrested from the ferocious lion its
bird of prey - the white pigeon to the astonishment of whole world.
Could the non-believers ever get better illumination than this? So
emulate that noblest, divine principle for Viswasreyas and enjoy
beatitude eternal; for, you are a world citizen sharing its joys and
suggestion, if prepared! you know very well the strength of
god-believers. Aren't they outnumber you and your comrades put
together? And if they start retaliation, which they wouldn't,
because of their infinite faith in the compassion infinitude of that
All-time Highest. WHERE WILL YOU BE? As the world is being
democratized very rapidly, if the victims of your pet theories join
together, be sure with their numerical strength, they bring the
heavens down and raise the Earth to take its place.