While Indra is
predominant in the Rig Veda, in the Atharva and Yajur Vedas (which are also very old
texts), Rudra is more prominent. Much of the symbolism of the Vedic sacrifice and the
building of the fire altar relates to Rudra as well as to Indra. In the Shatapatha
Brahmana for building up of the fire altar there are nine forms of Agni. Eight are names
of Shiva ad one is Kumar, the son of Shiva. Rudra like Indra is commonly identified with
or associated with Agni, the deity of fire and the fire sacrifice.
The members of Shiva's family also have Vedic
equivalents, which is a topic in itself, which will be mentioned only briefly. Skanda the
son of Shiva, is born of Agni or fire and is clearly identified with Agni. Agni in the
Vedas is also called Kumara and Guha, which are names of Skanda. Ganesh is commonly lauded
by a chant to Brihaspati from the Rig Veda (Gananam tva ganapatim), which correlates these
deities. |