Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The Modern World
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Books By David Frawley
Above all, there is only One Truth that all spiritual aspiration is moving toward. But this does not mean that all religions have understood this Truth in the same manner or to the same degree, or that their founders must have done so.

While it may be better to emphasize the similarities between religions than the differences, when we overly exaggerate their similarities, we create a misunderstanding of another order that also does not serve the purpose of discovering the Truth. We may give everyone the impression that their religion, whatever it is, is sufficient, when for the full flowering of the spiritual life it may be necessary for them to go beyond it.   The point of this article is that some of the religions of the world and their founders-and one in particular, Islam and Mohammed, which is perhaps the most evident example-do not follow the model of yogic spirituality, if we really look at what they have to say about themselves. They reflect a very different view of religion. 

To try to turn all religions, and all forms of mysticism, into versions of yogic spirituality is not intellectually accurate, nor is it sensitive to what these religions themselves say, nor is it based on a real study of them.  On the country, it usually represents the view of those who have not really looked into what non-yogic religions are all about. Those trained in the unity tradition are inclined to read a yogic type spirituality between the lines of all religious teachings, even though the great majority of those who follow these religions-including their leaders and mystics who have arisen within them-may not accept important yogic principles and practices as valid.

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About Yogic Spirituality And Islam
Yogic Spirituality...Pg1
Yogic Spirituality...Pg2
Yogic Spirituality...Pg3
Mohammed According....Pg1
Mohammed According...Pg2
Mohammed According...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg1
The Life And Teaching...Pg2
The Life And Teaching...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg4
The Character Of ....Pg1
The Character Of ....Pg2
The Character Of....Pg3
The Character Of....Pg4
Mohammed's Companions Pg1
Mohammed's Companions Pg2
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg1
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg1
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg3
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg4
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg5
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg6
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg7
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg8
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg9
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg10
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg11
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.1
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.2