remains one of the most important figures not only in religion but in politics and world
history, but we must look at him as he presents himself, and not put him in a mold that he
does not reflect. Though we can respect Mohammed as a great social leader and religious
reformer, even as a mystic, it is inaccurate to interpret Mohammed as a yogi or sage in
the Hindu-Buddhist sense. Whether one believes that
Mohammed had a different or better way to God-realization than yogic traditions (which
some Sufis say), that he had a different goal altogether and God-realization is a delusion
(which most orthodox Muslims believe), or that Mohammed failed to achieve the highest
realization as taught in the yogic tradition, though he may have had various mystical
experiences (which appears to be the case if we apply yogic principles to his life and
experience as Vivekananda did), depends upon one's point view.