Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The Modern World
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Books By David Frawley
It tries to use the forces of the world for spiritual purposes rather than to renounce them for the spiritual life. Islam was originally a revolt against the rule of priests and monks, a sort of religion of ordinary people, and Sufi mysticism follows this trend. Sufis usually have families and work in the world. Great Sufis have been perfumers, poets, calligraphers, merchants, and even generals, but seldom ascetics and not monks.

One common Sufi quote is that Mohammed said that there will be no mockery in Islam. While Islam and Sufism have glorified the conquests of generals and taken soldiers into their ranks, they have criticized the practices of monks. Built into Islam and to Sufism based upon it is a spiritual approach active in the world and seeking to convert the world to its views.

Hence Sufi mysticism has often turned into militancy or missionary activity. In this regard it may emphasize social activity and group work over individual spiritual practice. However, that Sufism is not usually another form of yogic spirituality does not mean that it has no value. The Sufis possess a great and beautiful literature and much occult and spiritual knowledge, including much they have retained from the pre-Islamic period.


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About Yogic Spirituality And Islam
Yogic Spirituality...Pg1
Yogic Spirituality...Pg2
Yogic Spirituality...Pg3
Mohammed According....Pg1
Mohammed According...Pg2
Mohammed According...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg1
The Life And Teaching...Pg2
The Life And Teaching...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg4
The Character Of ....Pg1
The Character Of ....Pg2
The Character Of....Pg3
The Character Of....Pg4
Mohammed's Companions Pg1
Mohammed's Companions Pg2
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg1
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg1
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg3
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg4
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg5
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg6
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg7
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg8
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg9
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg10
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg11
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.1
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.2