The Islamic and
the Yogic Model
If we study the life of Mohammed and the teachings of the Koran, it is clear that his
religious approach is different than the yogic model and should not be reduced to it.
While Mohammed and the Koran may not fare entirely well if examined from the standpoint of
yogic spiritually, it could also be said that yogic spirituality may not fare well if
examined from the standpoint of Islam and Mohammed, who would probably consider it to be
timid and overly introverted. The Islamic model of
spirituality through Mohammed is not passive, non-violent, pacifistic, otherworldly,
monistic, renunciate, monastic, and inclusive like yogic traditions. It is assertive,
militant, political, this worldly, monotheistic, non-monastic, and generally exclusive,
though it does have its devotional, mystical and contemplative side. However we may want to interpret these differences, we cannot ignore
them or reduce one to the other.