Arise Arjuna Hinduism And The Modern World
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Books By David Frawley
They accept the Mohammed had experience of God as His Prophet, but consider that it is heresy and arrogance for others to attempt to gain such experiences. They often regard the Sufis not as true Muslims but as proponents of pre-or non-Islamic, and therefore heretical traditions like Vedanta.  Sufis have been frequently attacked or even massacred under Islamic regimes from Morocco to India, including in this century.  

Sufis are oppressed in fundamentalist Islamic countries today and are in danger of losing their lives should they openly proclaim what they are doing. Sufism is illegal in Saudi Arabia, and if there are any in Iran, they are in hiding. Even in India the Sufis were sometimes killed by Islamic rulers.

Aurangzeb, the fundamentalist Islamic Mogul ruler of the seventeenth century included among those he killed his own brother Dara, who was a Sufi, and the Sufi Sarmad, who sought peace with the Hindus and honored yogic spirituality.


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About Yogic Spirituality And Islam
Yogic Spirituality...Pg1
Yogic Spirituality...Pg2
Yogic Spirituality...Pg3
Mohammed According....Pg1
Mohammed According...Pg2
Mohammed According...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg1
The Life And Teaching...Pg2
The Life And Teaching...Pg3
The Life And Teaching...Pg4
The Character Of ....Pg1
The Character Of ....Pg2
The Character Of....Pg3
The Character Of....Pg4
Mohammed's Companions Pg1
Mohammed's Companions Pg2
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg1
Mohammed & The Koran...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg1
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg2
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg3
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg4
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg5
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg6
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg7
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg8
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg9
Sufism Orthodox Islam....Pg10
Sufism Orthodox Islam...Pg11
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.1
The Islamic & The Yogic.. Pg.2