Awaken Bharata
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Books By David Frawley
Failure to Create a Bharatiya Intellectual Class

The intellectuals of India, alienated from their roots, have increasingly followed Western political, intellectual and religious models, uncritically and with a Hindu type sense of worship and adulation. They imitate and idolize the latest trends in Western, particularly leftist thought. The dominant media of India through the national television and English language newspapers can be more anti-Hindu than the Western media, which itself has little sympathy to Hinduism.  Charges of superstition and idolatry, highlighting the social evils of India and blaming them on Hinduism come from the Indian media itself. Meanwhile the teachings of great modern Hindu leaders, many of whom wrote in English like Vivekananda, Aurobindo and Shivananda, are ignored.

The result is both the media and the schools of India mindlessly follow the same anti-Hindu propaganda that the British and Muslims set in motion during their periods of rule. An intellectual Kshatriya must be created to protect Bharatiya culture against such distortions in the media, books, newspapers and in schools and universities both East and West. Such intellectuals must learn how to debate, criticize and counter distortions of Hindu Dharma. They should learn the intellectual and philosophical skills of traditional Hindu philosophy that had powerful debating traditions. They must arise with a warrior spirit, not seeking accommodation, but breaking through all illusions and distortions.

The youth today, trained in computers, the Internet and the information revolution must be awakened, inspired and turned into an intellectual force in defense of Dharma. Pro-Hindu forces in India must create a media agenda, both through the written word and the visual media, which is not to say that other more grass root activities are not important. A Hindu ethic must be brought into the world media to challenge capitalist, socialist and Western religious groups and their destructive behavior, moral corruption, propaganda distortions, and efforts at world domination.

This is perhaps more important than either a new Kshatriya or Vaishya movement because these require an ideology to support and guide them such as only a new intellectual Kshatriya can provide. This new intelligentsia must arise, not only with an understanding of the greatness of Bharata in the past but able to project its greatness for the future as well. Intelligent and spiritually minded Hindus should not abandon the intellectual field to anti-Hindu forces in their pursuit of the transcendent. They must accept their intellectual duty to help revive the culture at this important juncture so that the higher teachings they emulate are sustained in the world for future generations.

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Keys To The Awakening Pg4
Failure To Create..Pg1
Failure To Create..Pg2 
Failure To Create..Pg3
Failure To Create..Pg4
Failure To Create..Pg1
Failure To Create..Pg2
Failure To Create...
Failure Of Socialism
Distortion Of Secularism
Failure To Unify...
The Net Of Bureaucracy
Reviving The Soul..Pg1
Reviving The Soul..Pg2