India tried to follow a Western socialist model and created in India all the problems that
came to exist in Eastern Europe and other communist states, with a massive bureaucracy,
stifling regulations, and rampant corruption and bribery. Only the fall of communism
globally is gradually bringing socialism to an end in India with the global economy moving
in to take its place. While this is generally an improvement there arises the new danger
that India will imitate a Western capitalist model, which though better than socialism
because it encourages independence and action, is still not a Dharmic model.
Capitalism causes one class of society, the rich, to exploit the others, and sets a
commercial tone to society that undermines spiritual values and practices. With
multinational corporations coming in it places the country further under the rule of
foreign cultural influences that have little affinity with India's great traditions. Yet
in spite of socialism many Hindus in India have become wealthy and many overseas Hindus
have done even better. However, they have seldom used their resources in a charitable way
to either help society or their religion. They have been good at supporting local temples
or their particular religious sect, but their charity has seldom functioned on a broader
level. This has left Hindu causes lacking in funding, even though resources do exist among
Therefore India needs an authentic Bharatiya Vaishya Dharma in which economic
development, including private property, goes along with a strong sense of charity and
social responsibility. A genuine Kshatriya is not enough without a Dharmic Vaishya class
to support it. This means some degree of Swadeshi action, protecting the country from
unscrupulous foreign economic exploitation, but not one that is so self-protective as to
inhibit proper economic development or which excuses poverty, inefficiency, and lack of
sanitation in the country that is not at all in harmony with its older cultural
Traditional models of Hindu affluence should be examined to counter the idea that
Hinduism requires poverty and to provide a model of economic gain that is in harmony with
Dharma. India can be a materially rich culture, clean and efficient, without having to be
materialistic and sensate, lost in the pursuit of transient pleasure like the present
Western world. Hindus must cultivate Lakshmi (prosperity), not for their personal benefit,
but for all society as an offering to Vishnu (God) to support spiritual causes.