If we look back
over the history of mankind there is no other nation, culture or religion possessing such
a long history and such an extensive literature to support it. No other nation from the
ancient world - whether Greece, Rome, Persia, Babylonia or Egypt - has even survived so
unbroken and their literature remains in fragments. No culture has proved so enduring,
dynamic, diverse and yet consistent as that of perennial Bharata, the land of the Rishis.
However, Bharata was never just a nation in the narrow modern sense of a political nation
state. Such modern nations are not spiritual units and may lack any deep cultural unity.
They are nations defined by outer factors of language, ethnicity, economics, geography, or
political interests. No such nation can persist
through time like Bharata because they lack any organic basis in cosmic law such as
Bharata has emphasized. Bharata is an entirely
different kind of nation, a nation defined by a spiritual culture, a way of
Self-realization that is inherent in the souls and lives of the people, not imposed from
the outside by any church or leader. Bharata is not a land defined by political interests
or by religious dogma but by spiritual aspiration, a land in which Yoga and meditation
became the prime principles behind the culture. The country of Bharata is the body formed
by the soul of Bharata, which is its true power. This soul of India is Mother India,
Bharati Devi or Mother Durga. She is not just the soul of this region but the incarnation
of the Divine Mother on the planet, the great protectress of the spiritual heart of
humanity, the guardian of the soul.
Bharata, however, was never merely a land of yogis, monks
or ascetics. The Bharatiya spiritual urge did not arise from the suppression of other
human urges but from a full flowering of human nature in all aspects, including the arts
and the sciences. This we see lavishly embodied in Indian music and dance, mathematics and
medicine. The Hindu spiritual urge did not develop against life but through following out
the deepest impulse of life that is toward freedom and transcendence.