Awaken Bharata
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
When the Shaikh addressed the Muslim soldiers of Afghanistan he exhorted them that "they had been raised by Allah for the purposes of Jihad in order to root out polytheism at its core." In the Afghan invasion of North India tens of thousands of Hindus were killed, largely because of their religious beliefs. Among the Shah's victories included the desecration of Mathura, the birthplace of Krishna, and of the Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar.

Shaikh Waliullah also called for a "return to the Arabic language, Arabic dress and Arab styles of living." The Shaikh's followers accepted the puritanical Wahabi movement from Saudi Arabia, which dominates the country today. Such Sufi thinkers paved the way for Pakistan and are looked upon by Pakistanis with honor for there insistence that the true religion of Islam is incompatible with Hinduism and that therefore Muslims cannot accept a Hindu led government.

Not surprisingly Mohammed Iqbal, the poet who provided the inspiration for Pakistan, was a great admirer of Sirhindi and Waliullah, and like them he criticized more liberal Sufis like the poet Hafiz for being too accepting of non-Muslims. Iqbal also supported the policies of Aurangzeb and was opposed to those of Akbar. Shaikh Walliullah's teachings spread throughout the Islamic world and aimed at the promotion of the Caliphate of Turkey.

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About Sufis And Militance
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Sufis and Islamic...Pg.3
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.4
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.5
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.6
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.7
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.8
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.9
Sufis and Islamic...Pg.10
Liberal Sufis Pg.1
Liberal Sufis Pg.2
Liberal Sufis Pg.3
Liberal Sufis Pg.4
Sufis and the Sharia Pg.1
Sufis and the Sharia Pg.2
Sufis and the Sharia Pg.3
Sufis and the Sharia Pg.4
Sufi Philosophy.Pg1
Sufi Philosophy.Pg2
Sufi Philosophy.Pg3
Sufi Philosophy.Pg4
Conclusion Pg.1
Conclusion Pg.2