Until Hindus can look at religion in a discriminating manner they
are bound to be duped and led into conversion through the back door
or Trojan horse of their own tolerance and love of mysticism. Not
all religious groups are good, spiritual or true, certainly not in
all respects. Not all mysticism is gentle, tolerant or yogic. That
some aspect of a religion is good or that religious leader was an
extraordinary saint or sage should not be used to give a rubber
stamp to all that is done in the name of that religion.
One thing Hindus should remember is that the main Western
religions were born of blood. Christ was crucified at a young age
before he could even train his disciples adequately, and many of his
disciples were martyred as well. Mohammed himself fought many
battles, as did his followers. Indic religions, on the other hand,
were generally born of equanimity and asceticism. Even in the case
of the Mahabharata when there was a period of fighting, it was not
done in the name of religion or to promote conversion of any type.
This birth in blood gives Western religions a certain vital
passion and a capacity to arouse people's emotions that can become
unwholesome. The call of the crucified savior became a cry for
retribution for his death, which was then cast upon all
non-Christian. Mohammed's cry for Jihad was translated into a war
against all non-Muslims, particularly image worshippers like the
Hindus. Religions born of war and oppression tend to recreate the
circumstances of their birth, and project these on the world around
them. This samskara of conflict is so deep seated that it may not be
possible to remove it without changing these religions altogether.