The almighty power of the Supreme Divinities is only One.
Rig Veda III.55.1
Endless vast paths encircle Heaven and Earth.
Rig Veda V.45.2
May Heaven and the Atmosphere grant us peace. May the Earth give us peace along with the Waters. May the herbs and the forests be peaceful to us. May all the cosmic powers grant us peace. May the Divine Being grant us peace. May the entire universe be at peace. May there be the peace of peace. May that peace dwell within me.
Shukla Yajur Veda XXXVI.17
Questions 2.
Sanatana Dharma and the Modern
In this section we will
examine the issues of culture religion, and spirituality to see not
only what is relevant today, but what is truly universal and
meaningful. In this way we will find much that is significant not
only in the spirituality of Sanatana Dharma but in its cultural
forms, regardless of whether we live in India or in the West.
A. Religion, Spirituality and
the Modern World
Should We Follow Any Religion
at All?
If we look at what religions
have done to humanity throughout history, it appears that it would
be better not to be religious at all. It would save us from many
wars, hostilities and misunderstandings, such as world history is
mired with and which our newspapers proclaim almost daily. On the
other hand, the record of materialist ideologies like communism,
socialism and capitalism has not been better, and has similarly
resulted in exploitation and violence often on a grand scale. And
none of us appears to be content thinking that this is the only life
that we possess.