What is the Ancient Western
Vedic Heritage?
The Western world has had
many connections with the Vedic and Hindu tradition through history.
At an ancient period, mainly the pre-Christian era, we see a
commonality of language, culture and religion between the European
and the Hindu. For example, there are many terms in common between
English and Sanskrit: mother-matar, father-pitar, brother-bhratar,
There are many European and
Vedic equivalent names for God: Divine-Deva, Zeus-Dyaus,
Jupiter-Dyaus Pitar, Uranus-Varuna. The Greek and Roman reverence
for the Gods and Goddesses through temple worship is of the same
order as the kind of worship that goes on in temples in India today.
At the original core of any indigenous European culture is a Vedic
affinity or perhaps even a Vedic identity.
Westerners need not regard
the Vedic heritage as simply Eastern, it is universal and also part
of an older European heritage that can again be reclaimed, now that
the hold of the exclusive religions of the Middle Ages, which
suppressed mysticism and spirituality, is coming to an end. The
study of the ancient Western Vedic heritage is one of the most
important areas of historical research to be embarked upon today and
will be very important in reclaiming the spiritual foundations of
Western culture.