Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Can I Keep My Existing Religious Belief and Still Practice Yoga?

Yogic practices are designed to lead us to the Universal Truth, which is Pure Consciousness. However, to do so they must cause us to question dogmas and limited beliefs of all kinds which are not universal. If the goal of one's religion is Self-realization than one can freely follow that religion along with yogic paths to Self-realization. However, if the goal of one's religion is less than that, then one's religion is at best a preliminary step.

To know one's Self one must eventually go beyond all theories, beliefs, names and forms, all the movements of the conditioned mind. We need not depend upon any belief. Rather we should learn to believe in ourselves, in our nature as Pure Consciousness that does not require any external support. Only when we are no longer dependent upon any external support can we know our True Nature.


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About Sanatana Dharma And The Modern World
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