Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Is not Yoga Enough, Why Should We Talk of Hinduism?

Yoga and Vedanta, which are the ways of spiritual practice and Self-knowledge, are the most important aspects of Sanatana Dharma, its inner dimension. If we have these we have the essence. Yet the outer dimension of Hinduism is relevant because it has been formulated in harmony with the inner dimension. Ayurveda, Vedic astrology, Sanskrit, Vedic and Tantric ritual, Hindu mythology, Hindu music and dance, and so on, are important factors in building a spiritual culture which encompasses the whole of life.

They show us how a spiritual understanding can penetrate into all aspects of life and learning, so all that we do individually and collectively supports the spiritual quest. It is not enough just to have spiritual practices. We need a culture and way of life that allows them to flourish. Hinduism provides both in abundance and fully integrated.


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About Sanatana Dharma And The Modern World
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