All of us at some time or
another seek an answer the ultimate questions of life - Does God or
any spiritual reality exist? How might we know it? How can we live
in harmony with it? Is there some part of ourselves which is
immortal and part of God?
Religion in the true
sense is the seeking of such higher knowledge. It is a means of
discovering that Divine reality within us, not a dogma defining what
God is outside of ourselves. Such religion is not an organized
belief system but a set of spiritual practices to be adapted on an
individual basis.
These practices include
the full range of human approaches to the Divine, the paths of
knowledge (jnana yoga), devotion (bhakti yoga), service (karma yoga)
and meditational techniques (raja yoga). While we should discard
religion in the outer sense as organized dogma and social
conditioning, we should embrace religion in the inner sense as yogic
and meditational practices. Otherwise our lives will have no
enduring meaning and we will take nothing with us at death but
frustration and delusion.