Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Can I be a Follower of All Spiritual Paths?

One should recognize the validity of all true spiritual paths, though only a part of what is called religion is a spiritual path. There are a number of spiritual paths which provide meditation practices that can, if applied with the proper background and guidance, lead to union with the Divine or the inner Self. Moreover, it is good to know something about a number of the world's spiritual traditions in order to broaden one's mental horizon, just as it is good to know something of the different cultures and customs of various lands and peoples.

However, life is limited. One does not have the time to follow out in depth the practices of all teachings, which require a certain period to work properly. For one's actual meditation practice one has to choose a certain line of approach, and a connection with specific teachers, generally within the same tradition.

We can compare this with any field of learning. One can recognize the validity of all true artistic approaches, but one cannot practice all techniques of art. One cannot be simultaneously a sculptor, painter, musician and dancer, in ancient, medieval and modern styles. In one's actual practice one will have to make a choice and follow it out.

Moreover, the goal of a spiritual practice is not to learn various traditions but to know oneself, and for this the teaching is a guideline, not the end. To be a true artist one does not need to study all forms of art but to discover one's own creativity. If we spend our time exploring different teachings and traditions, rather than looking into who we really are, we have missed the point. The different teachings are aids to Self-realization. The important thing is to reach the goal, not to explore the different paths.


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