Does One Require a Living
Naturally in any field of
learning it helps to have living teachers. Living gurus are
preferable to those who have passed away and we all require them to
some degree. However, we may not all be able to meet supremely great
gurus and world teachers, like Ramakrishna or Ramana Maharshi. What
is most important is to follow a living enlightenment tradition
connected to modern Self-realized teachers. Not all the teachers in
such a tradition need be figures of the highest order, nor can we
always tell if they are.
Many Dharmic teachings have
maintained a living tradition up to the present era, like the
various approaches of Vedanta. Certain more specific teaching lines
have been established in modern times with a global approach such as
those of Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo,
Swami Shivananda, Paramahansa Yogananda and many others. The great
spiritual approaches they established are not for their lifetimes
only. We can follow them with faith and confidence should they
appeal to us but must integrate them into the greater goal of
Self-realization, in which we must go beyond their formal and
organizational differences.
Someone who lived hundreds
or thousands of years ago cannot - like Krishna, Christ or Buddha -
be a guru for a person living today, though they may have been a
guru for people at the time in which they lived. Yet modern
representatives of older Self-realized teachers can function as
gurus, providing they are connected with the living reality of the
In seeking a teacher we must
look to learn from the place where we are. If we do so we will find
that there is always the appropriate guidance available for us.
However if we have an inflated idea of our spiritual potential, then
we might not find anyone good enough to teach us. In seeking gurus,
moreover, we must not be caught by the net of name and fame. A true
teacher is not necessarily going to be famous or charismatic in
terms of this modern materialistic and sensate society. The greatest
teachers are often unknown and have very few disciples. They may not
even formally function as gurus at all. But all that they do serves
to teach and demonstrate the higher Truth.