Aren't There Many Things Wrong
With Modern Hinduism?
There may be much wrong with
modern India, but this generally has little to do with the religion
as properly understood. It is not the yogic science of
Self-realization that has caused problems in India but the same
greed and superstition that has created problems in every country.
In fact there is no country and perhaps no religion in the world
today that is not facing tremendous problems if we are at all
There is much that is wrong
with the Hindu social system, like the oppression done in the name
of caste, which is a distortion of the religion. To recognize the
value of Sanatana Dharma we need not blind our eyes to social, moral
or spiritual errors in any religion or culture.
On the contrary, it becomes
the responsibility of one who recognizes the universal Dharma to
promote it in all possible ways which is, first of all, to live it
oneself. Yet to reject the spiritual side of the tradition because
of outer problems associated with a society to some degree based
upon it only shows that one is still attached to the outer world and
does not understand the inner truth of the teachings.