The Importance of Mantra
Mantra has become well known in the West. We normally associate it,
rather superficially, with some meaningless sound we repeat mechanically until we are put in
some kind of trance. Actually mantra is quite different than this.
All learning involves the energization of the mind. It is by the power
of attention, the concentration of the mind that one comes to know anything. As long as
we are distracted or our minds are wandering, we cannot come to really see anything. Hence the real
object of learning is not to learn anything in particular but to gain the
mastery of the mind through the power of attention. Then we can find truth in all
This energization of the mind is the true purpose and meaning of mantra. Whenever we have a deep
insight or profound realization in life that thought has a special power.
The empowered thought is mantra. Hence the more deeply we can think and inquire into things the
more our thoughts become mantra, the greater our power of observation,
the more mantric force enters into our minds.