From The River Of Heaven
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Books By David Frawley

Aim (pronounced 'aym') is the sound of wisdom and relates to Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge. It increases our powers of attention, concentration, reason and contemplation. It is also the sound of the guru, the spiritual teacher, and brings into play the learning power of the higher mind. 


Ma is the first of all sounds, the name of the Mother. Through this sound we connect with the power and grace of the Divine Mother and her love, nourishment and contentment giving energy. 


Soham is the natural sound of the breath. "So" is inhalation and "Ham" is exhalation. If we breathe deeply and listen to the sound of our breath we hear these sounds. In Sanskrit the root 'sa' from which 'so' develops means to hold, to have power, to be. It gives inspiration and power. 'Ham' means to leave, abandon, cast out, hence to expel or exhale. 

If we eliminate the consonants from Soham, we get Om. So is Shakti and Ham is Shiva. Through them we balance the God and the Goddess within ourselves. So'ham pranayama is natural deep breathing with attention to the sound of these mantras.


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