The Seven Chakras
The seven Chakras are the energy centers of the subtle body. They allow us experience of the different
levels of the cosmos. Chakra itself means what revolves or a wheel. These centers have counterparts
in the physical body. They are only truly awakened by Yogic practices,
in which case they provide us with various occult or spiritual powers.
In our ordinary state they do function on a reduced level.
Chakra work
or chakra balancing, as with the use of gems, sounds and colors, usually
works on this outer level. It aids in the ordinary functioning of the
Chakras. Only our own practice of Yoga can really awaken the Chakras
into their inner power.
The Yoga of Knowledge usually does not deal with Chakras at all. It goes directly to the pure Self which
resides in the heart; not the heart center of the astral body, but the
spiritual heart on the right side of the body, which is behind the causal body and our point of
contact with the universal consciousness transcending all the bodies.