From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
The Seven Planes of the Universe 

According to the many ancient teachings, including the Vedas, the universe consists of seven levels or planes, of which we are mainly aware of only the first and lowest. These are different densities of reality from gross matter to pure Spirit. They are described as follows--- 

1.Food, Sanskrit Anna; the material world and the physical body. 

2.Breath or Life, Prana; the vital world and the vital sheath. 

3.Emotion, Manas; the emotional world or emotional sheath. 

4.Intelligence, Vijnana; the world of intelligence or the intelligence sheath. 

5.Bliss, Ananda; the world of bliss or the bliss sheath. 

6.Consciousness, Cit 

7.Being, Sat


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About Vedic Cosmology : The Multidimensional Universe
Vedic Cosmology..
The Seven Planes...  Pg1
The Seven Planes....Pg2
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The Three Bodies-Pg2
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The Seven Chakras-Pg2
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The Nadis