From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Being and Consciousness have no sheath or no world because they transcend manifestation, being immaterial. Hence though there are seven planes there are only five  sheaths.  These seven planes are states of consciousness. It is the same consciousness operating on all of them. It gradually unfolds its powers from the lowest to the highest. These are the seven densities consciousness assumes in its manifestation.

They exist not only within us as deeper aspects of our being but each has its own native plane and worlds which are composed of its type of matter (again with the exception of the highest two principles which are beyond all worlds). 

From this we see that matter can develop into life because life is already inherent in matter. Life can evolve mind, as mind is present in it as a seed. Just as milk can become butter by churning, so too are these different levels inherent in each other and can come out of each other by a process of growth. Nature is full of such capacity for transformation. This is the organic process of cosmic evolution.


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About Vedic Cosmology : The Multidimensional Universe
Vedic Cosmology..
The Seven Planes...  Pg1
The Seven Planes....Pg2
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The Three Bodies-Pg2
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The Seven Chakras-Pg2
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The Nadis