From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
The Nadis 

The Nadis are the nerves of the subtle body. They also connect us up with the subtle worlds as we contain the entire universe within ourselves. Most important of the nadis are the solar and lunar nadis called the Pingala and the Ida. Between them runs the Sushumna or central channel on which the various chakras are strung like lotuses. It corresponds to the spinal canal of the physical body. 

The solar nadi is of the nature of heat; the lunar of cold nature. Alternate nostril breathing is thereby used to balance the heat and cold and thereby regulate all metabolic processes in the body. Breathing in through the right and out through the left nostril increases heat in the body and dispels cold. Breathing in through the left and out through the right increases cold in the body and decreases heat. 

For the awakening of the Kundalini or power of consciousness these two nadis must be purified and their energies balanced. This occurs naturally as consciousness evolves but can be hastened by the use of certain breathing or mantra practices.


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About Vedic Cosmology : The Multidimensional Universe
Vedic Cosmology..
The Seven Planes...  Pg1
The Seven Planes....Pg2
The Three Bodies-Pg1
The Three Bodies-Pg2
The Seven Chakras-Pg1
The Seven Chakras-Pg2
The Seven Chakras-Pg3
The Nadis