From The River Of Heaven
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley
Modern science has expanded our horizons on the universe. In western culture up to recent times we used to think that the universe was largely confined to this earth and that it had been in existence for less than six thousand years. However, the Vedic and Puranic teaching has always dated our universe as existing for many billions of years, much more so yet than modern science acknowledges. It sees the present universe as just one in a series of manifestations, each marked by an equal period of dissolution (pralaya) wherein no manifestation occurs. 

Our present view of the universe is still very limited by the cosmology of yoga. We are only aware of one plane of existence and  though we have and continue to explore it in great detail in the process we are ignoring or missing the greater part of reality, particularly that which resides within our own deeper consciousness. There are other levels of existence, other dimensions wherein different types of worlds exist much different than our physical realm.


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About Vedic Cosmology : The Multidimensional Universe
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