The River Of Heaven |
Books By David Frawley |
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The Yoga of Devotion also usually
is not too concerned with the chakras. It emphasizes the heart chakra as the site of the Divine
Beloved. It main method is direct surrender to the Divine, not developing the intermediate
The Yoga of Technique is most directly concerned with the chakras, though all systems of Yoga
recognize their existence and their function. It has many practices for
visualizing and energizing them but even these are usually only done
when these centers are in the process of naturally awakening, to help facilitate this process.
These seven chakras are----
1. Muladhara chakra, the root center, literally the root foundation.
It corresponds to the earth element and governs the systems of elimination, the survival instinct and
the emotion of fear.
2. Svadhishtana chakra, the sex center, literally the self-abode of the
Kundalini. It corresponds to the element of water and governs the
urino-genital systems, the sex instinct and the emotion of desire.
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