Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
There is a work
called 'Venkatachala Itibasa Mala,' in which the main items for the conduct of worship at
Tirupati are laid down. This work is divided into seven parts, the first three parts being
concerned with the Vaishnava characters of the image and the other four being concerned
with what Sri Ramanuja, the famous Vaishnavite Saint and. after him, his disciple Sri
Anantarya, did for the temple. Sri Ramanuja, restored the rituals of worship according to
Vaikhanasa Agama, after performing the purificatory rite, and after repairing the Vimana
over the main Shrine which 'Is called the Ananda Nilaya. Ablutions to the God on every
Friday were arranged in accordance with the Ananda Samhita Vaikhanasa Agaama. The face
mark for the Lord, or the Urdhva Pundra, was prescribed to be a mixture of camphor, for
four days, and for three days from Monday white earth, generally called Namam. All the
jewels and ornaments of the Lord were to be removed on Thursday and the God was to be
dressed only with flowers on that day. |
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