The Puranic
conception of the hills is that they represent the body of Adisesha on which Lord Vishnu,
the Protector of the world is said to rest. The seven hills of Tirupati are said to
represent the seven hoods of Adisesha on which Venkata - chalapati dances, and Adisesha,
with his several coils, denotes limitless time as a cosmic concept. It is generally believed that in some hilly and sacred centres, the Supreme
Spirit, the Paramatma makes a manifestation Suo Moto without any initial invocation and
such a shrine is known as Swayam-vykta or self-manifest God. The foremost
instance of this is the shrine of Sri Venkateswara in Tirupati. According to the
Visistadvaita system of Philosophy of Sri Ramanuja, who was the patron saint though it is
universal, still has to have a seat, which is called Sri Vaikuntam. In Vaikuntam, every
thing is good, and there is all knowledge and no ignorance. This centre of centres of the
divine is Tirupati. Srivaikuntham is the place manifest as Tirupati Hills and the
Parabrahman is the Lord manifest as Lord Venkateswara. |