Temples & Legends Of Andhra
Pradesh |
Temples & Legends Of
India |
The popular belief
is that the first Archa form, which the Supreme Being divulged for the benefit of human
meditation, was in the Tirupati shrine. Hence it is that the Dhruvabera of the Mula
vigraha presents all the three facets of the Lord and is a Trinity in unity, though only
two aspects are physically visible in the manifested form. The Brahma aspect representing
creation is unmanifest and the other two aspects of the Lord, namely Vishnu and Siva, are
manifest to us in the Dhruvabera. The Jata in Kiritam and the other general features of
the image, present us a vision of Lord Vishnu. In other words, this idol combines in
itself the Vyakta Vishnu, the Avyakta Brahma, and the Vyaktavyakta Siva, and hence the
Lord may be described believed that this spiritual influence is kept up here by the daily
worship, not of human Archakas, but of the Nitya Suris, who are the ever-present angels.
This is still reflected in the custom of the temple, where every night the vessels
tributed as Prasada the next day, at it is said to be the Abhisheka Tirtha used by the
Nitya Suris. |
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