Accordingly the
Lord killed him with Chakrayudha and got the name Vrisha bhasurahari. This legend is given
in Brahmanda Purana. This same legend is given in
Bhavishya Purana in a different manner. According to this Purana. Vrishabhasura was doing
daily puja with Tapascharya for five thousand years to a saligrama idol created by
Lord Narasimha at Tirumalai. Every day be cut off his own head and offered it as a
sacrifices the Lord and every day a fresh bead began to grow through the grace of
the Lord. Lord Srinivasa doing who was pleased with his austerity appeared before him, and
asked him what he wanted. Thereupon Vrishabhasura, who was a great Bhakta, wanted Yuddha
Bhiksha, or an opportunity to fight with the Lord, so that he might attain salvation at
the hands of the Lord. His request was granted and so the Lord was known as