He next wanted to
humble the pride of the three Goddesses and he met them in their abodes before their lords
arrived. He had just walked about three miles, when he reached Marungoor, where he saw
some gram shaped iron pieces. He took some of them and went to Heaven to meet the three
Goddesses. On reaching them, he requested the
Goddesses to get the gram-shaped iron pieces fried for him. They were at their wits
end to know how to fry the iron grams. They thought that Narada had turned mad, to make
such a request. But Narada told them that he knew a lady on earth, who could perform such
a miracle and was surprised that, though they were the consorts of the Trinity, they could
not do such a simple thing. This aroused jealousy in the minds of the Goddesses and Narada
asked them whether they would admit defeat before that lady.