the worship of Srichakra acquired great significance. It is the age old
practice in Hinduism to worship the Supreme God in human form. This is called
Sakarapuja; yet there is another one deemed holier, where mystic symbols
representing the Formless Supreme is worshipped. Srichakra worship here in this
temple has gained a special importance. Srichakra is called the highest of
Chakras and symbolizes the truth that the Absolute maintains its fundamental
oneness, transcending all the phenomenon. It is deemed the King of Chakras,
comprising mystic symbols. The undivided
Central Bindhu is the abode of the Devi - the central truth. Here the
Devi is Iswara and Iswara is Devi. Nothing but oneness exists here. This oneness
becomes Two in cosmic projection - God and Goddess - Consciousness and Energy.
And these 'Two in One' blending in varying proportions form the multifarious
cosmic phenomenon. Here is the scriptural text "Sarvam Kalvidamevatam
Nanyatashti Santhanam - whatever is I am, I, the only Eternal, nothing