achieved the object of revenge, it should keep aloof from such abhorrent ways
adopted by the erst-while victor. But this phenomenon is a rarity. It is honored
in breach than in practice. Hence the recurrence of the old story-the vicious
circle goes revolving about without a halt, or rest. Well, the world is then no
place for living, nor the mankind is fit to be called sane. For, the jungle-law
'blood for blood', 'eye of eye', 'tooth for tooth' etc., return to restore its
damnable sway.
revenge, blood-shed and hatred are ousted and uprooted once for all, a new era
of peace dawns. It brings with it, contentment and compassion. If once they are
ushered in, despair loses its grip, failure its colour, frustration its weight
and self-condemnation its existence. 'Love then gets consecrated and enthroned
magnificently. Soon, regard, honesty, hospitality and tranquility will be found
much sought after, like the legal tender currency notes for the benefit of the
community . Nothing now goes amiss, nor does anything tend to exceed its modest
boundaries. Peace fills your heart and plenty greets your sight everywhere. This
state, understand, is the outcome of the annihilation of ambition, say in its
decomposed state.