Its stability lies in its simplicity. One can see the real charm and divine
grace embedded in it. Does not the Almighty Providence dwell in such homely,
simple virtues? Is He not the personification of simplicity? Contentment and
Divinity are therefore synonymous.
Contentment is the noblest of positive virtues to be ardently desired and
laboriously toiled for. Pride of place goes to it. Where contentment stays,
there dwells peace, purity, modesty, humility, simplicity, nobility, fidelity,
integrity, and magnanimity. In the shrine of 'contentment', each of these
laudable virtues has a separate niche that commands a distinct position. Each
virtue is receiving universal adoration in proportion to its weight and merits.
As each has its own individuality and is possessing a characteristic quality,
each puts its 'fan' or devotee to severe test before conferring favours prayed
for. If he withstands the severities imposed upon him, it allows him to reach
the main deity 'contentment', which divinies and lifts him to the celestial city
of perpetual bliss.