further a little distance of half a kilometre down south, you reach Kushavrat
Ghat. It is here Dattatreya did penance for thousand years, standing on one leg.
On one unfortunate day, Ganga
flowed with unusual force, and by accident the Kusa, preserved for rituals by
him was washed away Knowing; the damage done to his sacred object of worship,
he grew wild and was about to bum Ganga on the spot itself, beside stopping her
further flow. Releasing the disastrous consequences of her absence to crops and
humanity, Brahma descended along with other gods and pacified him. Pleased with
boons, and the entreaties made by gods, he forgave the offence, but requested
them to stay in his hermitage for ever. They agreed, and since then it is called
Kushavratha Ghat. This is preferred for pitri-sraddha, and confers merit
thousand fold, if offered with due rituals. For astivisarajan also this ghat is
very famous, for the primary fact that all gods are present here at one place.