is one of the prime attractions to the tourists and pilgrims as well. Built atop
the Siwalik Hills, it commands a grand eyeful sight throughout-lay and night,
from any point of the town, and also for miles around. It can be reached by
flights of stairs, or cable cars. The rope way with its brightly coloured cars
affords a thrilling and unforgettable experience, and it lands the devotees
right at the feet of Devi, one of the forms of Sakti Goddess. The presiding
deity Manasa Devi is looking upon the city from this vantage point to raining
her benignity round the clock. The gongs tolling sonorously during mornings and
evenings seem like peals of divine bells of the Mother, reminding people to
remember and worship her for salvation. The white marble statue of the mother
wrings veneration. The restaurants and shops catering snacks etc., detain the
visiting public for hours enjoying the beautiful sights of Haridwar and its surroundings. She is very popular for her compassion, as evidenced by the fulfillment
of desires of every adorer.