Mother Sati taking her seat on the pretty hillock under the name of Manasadevi
after Dhaksha yagna; Saptarishis making the Himalayan born Ganga to dissect
herself into seven stream's to flow beside their hermitages; Sanatkuranar
turning into siddha at his request by the benign boon of Mahavishnu; Devaguru
Brihaspati willfully dropping a few drops of amrit, the divine elixir for making
the land sacred; Bhimasena's horse carving out a lake with a mere kick against a
boulder of unusual dimensions; Bhishma's grandfather Pratipa making Ganga his
daughter-in-law, on spurning her choice of becoming his spouse; Vikramaditya,
the renowned king causing the construction of flights of stairs at the very
site, where his brother, the philosopher Poet Bhatrihari gave up his body; Kunti,
the Pandava matriarch and the sagacious premier Vidura along with the good old
blind Kuru King Dhritarastra with his consort Gandhari, spent their lives after
Kurukshethra war to breathe their last etc., etc., etc.,