after darsan of the gods and goddesses, pilgrims normally go to the town of
Kankhal about a mile away from this, for offering prayers to Mother Sati and
Dhakshaneswar Mahadev. This fantastic name means much, and connotation bewilders
any hearer. It is interpreted from its root words - Ko Khala - signifying
thereby, 'Who is the sinner, who cannot go to heaven, if he treads on this
sacred spot? The interrogative sentence, if changed into assertive, implies that
every one goes to heaven, if he visits it. Hence the attraction.
was the capital of Dhaksha Prajapathi, who from this seat assisted his father
Brahma in acts of creation. He married his beautiful daughter Sati to Lord
Maheswar. Once his son-in-law Maheswar incurred his wrath in not extending due
respect in Brahmalok, when others did in the assembly.