It is in the
vicinity of this place Arjuna in Dwapara yuga met with a great problem. During
his pilgrimage for one year thrust on him for breaking the rule of entering the
apartment, where Dharmaraja and Droupadi were together, he visited this place.
While he was enjoying a bath here, on hearing the glory of thirtha, he was
dragged away by Ulipi, the enchanting teen-age beauty of a Nagaloka all on a
sudden. Said she then, that his navamohankar roused love in her and she decided
to be his wife. Arjuna narrating the whole episode preceding his yatra, pleaded
that his vow of austerity for one year was standing in the way of fulfilling her
desire. Thereupon she added, that she would die, if rejected, and he would have
to incur the sin of Srihatya thereby. A greater predicament. Fearing that her
hopeless infatuation might end in her untimely death, he preferred the violation
of his vrata to saving her life. He married her, and their union, though lasted
for a short period, blessed them with a son. He was called Iravat. Later,
emerging from the same point, he proceeded further to completing the rest of pilgrimage.