Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The Gita's Programme for harmonious living

19. Purity of food keeps the mind pure. The body gains strength. One is able to do good to society. Both the individual and society are happy. There will be no conflict in a society where yajna, dana and tapas are found, where actions take place according to rule and are accompanied by mantra, contemplation.

As, when two mirrors face each other, each is reflected in other, in the same way, true to the laws of reflection, the individual and the society will mutually strengthen peace. My happiness is that of society, and society's is mine. We can examine each of these and find that they are both one. We shall experience advaita, oneness, everywhere. Separateness and disloyalty disappear. The Gita shows us the way of establishing such an order. If we follow the Gita's plan in our daily programme of action, how good it would be!

20. But today there is conflict between the individual and society. How this conflict can be resolved is the talk everywhere. Where does the individual stop and society begin? Which is primary and which is secondary? Which is superior? Upholders of individualism regard society as lifeless. When the sepoy comes before him, the commander speaks to him gently. He would even use the honorific plural.

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