Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
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Discourses On Gita
If we walk on a new road every day, all our attention is concentrated on the road. Then the mind can have no freedom. It follows that, in order that life may not be burdensome but joyful, we should limit our activities and order them aright.

3. Therefore the Lord sets down in this Chapter a programme of action. At our birth we are born into three orders. The Gita has laid down this programme in order that man, may fulfill the functions of these three orders and make his life happy. What are these three? The first is the body that wraps us. The second is the vast universe that surrounds us, the boundless creation of which we are a part.

The society into which we are born, our parents, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors - these form the third. Every day we use these three orders, we wear them out. The Gita wishes that we should try unremittingly to replenish what is lost through us, and thus make our life fruitful. We should perform without any thought of self these three sets of duties we were born with. Yes, we should fulfill these duties, but what is the method of doing so? 

The method is to combine yajna, dana and tapas, sacrifice, the giving of gifts and austerity. These words we know, but not their meaning. If we understand their meaning and bring it into our lives, body, nature and society all the three orders will benefit and our whole life will shine with freedom and joy.

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About Another Supplement : Programme For The Seeker
A disciplined life frees...Pg1
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Making the means pure.Pg2
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Purity in Food.Pg1
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The Gita's Programme...Pg3
The Gita's Programme...Pg4
The Gita's Programme...Pg5
The Gita's Programme...Pg6
The mantra of dedication.Pg1
The mantra of dedication.Pg2
The mantra of dedication.Pg3
The mantra of dedication.Pg4
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