The stomach is one organ, the tongue
is another. I am the king of both. There is perfect oneness among
all these organs. Where
did you bring it from, this unhappy conflict? Just as between the
different limbs and the organs of the body there is no conflict, but
only harmony and co-operation, so too between the individuals in
It is in order to develop this co-operation in society that
the Gita teaches us the system of action consisting of yajna,
dana and tapas, performed in purity of heart. Through
such action both the individual and society prosper.
The man whose life is lived as yajna
belongs to everybody. Each child feels that his mother loves him
alone. In the same way, everyone feels that such a person belongs to
him. He is dear and acceptable to the whole world. To everyone it
appears that he is their life, their friend, their comrade.
"Happy is the man whom all the world loves," says Samartha
Ramadas. The Gita teaches us how to live such a life.