Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
For the three orders of Nature, society and the body are not absolutely distinct. Society is not outside creation; nor for that matter is the body. These three together make up the beautiful order of Nature. The creative effort we make, the dana we give and the tapas we perform, all these can be called yajna in the comprehensive sense. The Gita in the Forth Chapter speaks of yajnas like the yajna of dravya, matter and that of tapas, austerity.

All the service we render to these three orders will take the form of yajna. But it is necessary to keep this service disinterested. In this there can be no room whatever for expecting any fruit, for we have already received the fruit. The burden of debt has already settled on our heads. What we have taken, we must now return. 

Through yajna we maintain equilibrium in Nature, through dana in society, and through tapas in the body. Thus this programme is intended to preserve the state of balance in all the three orders. Through this, purity is attained and evil thoughts eliminated.


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