Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The mantra of dedication
23. The Gita says that, after making one's life a yajna, one should dedicate it entirely to the Lord. After one's life has become pure service, why should one surrender it further to the Lord? We say easily enough that life should become full of service, but it is very difficult to make it so. It may be possible at last, and that to some extent, after innumerable births.

Even if all actions are filled with service, made up entirely of service, even then there is no saying that they have become full of worship too. Therefore with the mantra of 'om tat sat', we should surrender all action to the Lord.
It is difficult for acts of service to be full service, unmixed with baser metal. For, even in paramaartha, svaartha comes in; even in serving the Supreme, selfishness comes in.

Absolute paramaartha is not possible. There can be no action in which there is no trace of selfishness whatever. Therefore, we should wish that, day after day, more and more, disinterested and unselfish actions should take place through our hands. If we wish that our service should become progressively purer, we should surrender all our actions to the Lord. Jnanadev has said, "To the bhakta, sweet as Nectar is the Name; the yogi labours for the art of living."

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