Making the means
10. But then,
when can we surrender all our action to the Lord? Only when they are
sattvik, purified. Then and only then, can we do so. Yajna,
dana, tapas, all should be made pure. We saw in the Fourteenth
Chapter the philosophy of making our actions sattvik. In this
Chapter, the Gita explains its application.
11. In this plan
of purification, the Gita has two aims. The service that is being
rendered to the world through my external actions of yajna, dana
and tapas, can itself, viewed from within, be described a
spiritual exercise. The service of creation and the development of
the spirit do not demand two different courses of action : service
and spiritual growth are not two different things. For both, the
effort made, the action performed is the same.
And even this action has
at last to be surrendered to the Lord. Service to society, spiritual
effort, and the attitude of surrender to the Lord, - this yoga,
this composite result, must flow from the same action.
12. Two things
are needed to make yajna sattvik. They are avoiding fruitless
actions and also the desire for fruit. If there is expectation of
fruit in yajna, it becomes rajasik : if it is
fruitless, it becomes tamasik.
Spinning is yajna. But if we do not inform it with spirit,
and our mind is not one-pointed, the sutra-yajna will become
lifeless. Unless the mind within joins the hand working outwards,
the whole action departs from the prescribed order. |