keeps saguna from overflowing its proper bounds - hence saguna owes much to it.
16. In Hinduism, Christianity, Islam,
and all other religions, there is image-worship in one form or another.
Though not the highest form of worship, it is considered worthy of respect, and something
valuable in itself. Image-worship is free from defect only so long as it
remains within the bounds of nirguna. Once it crosses these bounds, defects appear in saguna.
Any religion which blurs the line between saguna and nirguna,
declines and falls. In the ancient yogas, animal sacrifices were offered. Even now worshippers of
Shakti, sacrifice living animals to her. This is excess of image worship. Here it has crossed its
proper bounds, and has taken a wrong turn. But if there is the restraint of loyalty to principle, there
is no such danger.