All the senses should
be filled with the Lord. Whether those around us are lamenting loudly or praising the Lord, whether
they are weaving webs of vaasanaas, or are saints free from desire, whether it is night or day, the
practice of constancy throughout life in order that at the moment of
death the Lord may stand in front of us - this is taught in the Eighth
In the
Sixth Chapter, ekagrataa, one pointedness; in the Seventh Chapter, ekagrataa towards the Lord, which is
prapatti or surrender; in the Eighth Chapter, saatatya or constancy, an in the Ninth Chapter,
samarpana or perfect dedicati n and service -these are described. In the Tenth Chapter, the order of
progression the successive stages are described - how to proceed step by step, how to receive in the
image of the Lord in one's heart, how gradually to realize the Supreme Being who pervades all
things from the little ant to Brahmadeva.
The Eleventh Chapter describes
samagrataa, cosmic awareness. It is the vision of the cosmic form that
I call samagrataa-yoga. The vision of the cosmic form is to experience
all creation in a grain of sand. This is the viraat darshan. Thus, between
the Sixth and the Eleventh Chapters, bhakti rasa is passed again and
again through various filters.